Viddi Blog
2020 May | Game Baking and Genetics

Core idea: A breeding game backed with a genetic code and meiosis/fertilization logic, with a desserts skin.

So you can create things like Flaky layers of pastry sandwiched between Mint Jam and Pineapple-Cherry Custard, decorated with Sugar Violets, Caramel Apple slices, and Cinnamon-Chocolate Cream Puffs shaped like Bunnies.

Variant A: As a research student, deduce the rules of the genetic code so you can create what you intend to. Puzzle game. Randomized ruleset from a starting seed (like Minecraft) to enable replay.
Play as graduate student Jeannie (because genes, yeah?). Your goal is to crack the genetic code of desserts.

"The bake-off is only a month away!? You know one judge hates fruit, another likes alliterative flavor combinations, and one values simplicity. You have X turns to create three unique culinary delights!"

Variant B: A tamagotchi sort of game where you start with a simple shortbread cookie and with a lot of care you can grow it up into that description above. A casual game where all the logic is hidden behind simple choices.